USB Media Player
*Enter play time using English one-byte characters.
Group ID (for Multi Media Player)
It is an ID used for grouping on a network during Multi Media Player conditions.
*Enter a group ID using one-byte alphanumeric characters.
=Z `$
2.5.1. Single Media Player Type1
Files will be played in the order they were listed in a scenario.
{~ @{J@+
~ {~ @{~ @+
USB media contents
Play contents
~G :'? ?J {@+
1. Intoroduction.jpg
(10 seconds)
2. Contents_Video1.wmv
(10 seconds)
3. Contents_Video2.wmv
(20 seconds)
4. ¹%+?G
{J' 'J'@
2.5.2. Single Media Player Type2
Files will be played in the order they were listed in a scenario.
Scenario Enter (File name):(Play time).
File list *Unnecessary
USB media contents