background image

Lessons Are More Engaging and Effective 

From the toolbar you can select 
an icon to launch a software 
application. The toolbar can be 
set to remain on the screen at 
all times for instant access.

Smooth, Easy Lesson Preparation

elite Panaboard book

Diverse Applications

Screen Shade

Movable Toolbar

Drawing Tool

The sliding shade can conceal a 
part of the screen or the entire 

display. One typical use is to cover up the 
answer or explanation while students try 
to answer a question or solve a problem.

The Gallery contains illustrations 
covering a wide variety of topics that 
you can use to create teaching 

A Host of Illustrations


This contains Panasonic tools for 
creating and editing teaching 

materials. The variety of tools provided 
includes virtually everything you need to 
produce creative materials.

With this function, you can record 
the entire screen or any part of it 

that you designate. It is convenient for 
recording lessons for later review. If you 
connect a microphone to the PC, you can 
also record voices simultaneously.

This tool lets you shine 
a spotlight on part of the screen. 

It is an effective way to attract the students' 
attention to a particular place on the board.

Improve Viewing Ease


Use this tool to enlarge a part of 
the screen. For example, it is 

handy for enlarging and showing a part 
or section of a map.

*An additional application is required for this function. 
  For detailed information, please access the following 


*Some languages and characters may not be correctly recognized.

Recording selection

Making Handwritten Characters Clearer

Handwriting Recognition*

Saving Lessons as Motion Images


Handwritten characters are converted 
into typed characters, right before your 

Attracting the Students' Attention


Instant Printing

Print Button*

Easy Information Viewing

Desktop Info Camera Button*

Press this button to activate the desktop 
info camera to show everyone the 
information in front of you, or to display 
images such as photos. This makes 
lessons go smoothly without the need for 
PC operation.

You can output the board content to 
a printer connected to a computer. This 
lets you quickly distribute classroom 
lessons, and helps the students to review.

*Available in the 3rd quarter of 2009

*Available in the 3rd quarter of 2009
