Traveling dose is given by the dose rate multiplied by the element travel time in front of the beam.
Knowing the timing for one step is 0.002s, one way traveling time is:
18.3 x 0.002s = 0.0366s
Total time for round trip is:
0.0366s x 2 = 0.0732s
Example: If the dose LOW is 0.0281mSv/s and dose HIGH is 0.281mR/s,
LOW traveling dose is:
0.0281mSv/s x 0.0732s = 2.1µSv
HIGH traveling dose is:
0.281mSv/s x 0.0732s = 20.6µSv
Source Calibration Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
This function allows the manager to enter a new source calibration date in the military format MM/DD/YYYY.
MM is 1 to 12 for the month; DD is 01 to 31 for the date; YYYY is the year .
is recommended that the irradiator is calibrated relative to a Promary or Secondary Standard Source under
known conditions such as:
1. Irradiation Front Build-up
2. Phantom or Free-in-Air
3. Inside Dosimeter Holder.
10mm = 18.3steps
Tungsten shield
Tungsten shield
Traveling direction