Camera No.
Check the box to select cameras requiring alloca-
tion of disk space.
Disk Space
After this menu is displayed, the available disk
space for each registered camera will be displayed
automatically, it is calculated by dividing the total
available disk space by the number of the regis-
tered cameras.
Entering the desired size (in Megabytes) in the
"Disk Space" input box is also possible. In this
case, when another input box is clicked, the "Total"
will be recalculated automatically.
Total disk space that can be allocated for the regis-
tered cameras will be calculated and displayed
Available Space
Available space will be displayed.
[Execute...] button
Click this button to start formatting and allocation.
When this button is clicked, the dialog window for
confirmation will be displayed. Click the [OK] button
in the dialog window to complete.
Note: If any other menu is displayed without click-
ing this button after editing, the settings in the
network camera server will not be updated.
Disk Space Allocation
Click the [Recording] button of the "Setting Menu" and click the "Disk Space Allocation" tab.
The "Disk Space Allocation" menu will be displayed.
On this menu, it is possible to allocate the same amount of disk space simultaneously to the selected cameras which
no disk space has been allocated yet.