REDUDANT section
This section assigns the RS232C Port for the redundant communication. The RS232C Port cannot be
shared between the redundant communication and serial alarm interface.
***{ The RS232Port can be used as redundant communication, }
***{ if Backup CPU is checked in the Admin Console.
***{ If no check, the port can be used for serial alarm when
***{ Admin Console set the RS232C Controller.
***{ Note:
***{ The RS232Port should not share the RS232C Controller
***{ defined in the Admin Console.
***{ The RS232Port starts with "0", while RS232C Controller
***{ in the Admin Console starts with "1".
***{ Format: RS232Port=<port #>
***{ 0 = first RS232C Port of your server
***{ 1 = second RS232C Port of your server (if existing)
***{ 2 = third RS232C Port of your server (if existing)
TIMELINE section
This section allow user to change some settings for the ASM970 Client Software Time-Line feature.
***{ This section allow user to change polling frequency of
***{ retrieving the DVR and alarm information for the ASM970 Client Software }
***{ Time-Line feature.
***{ Format: TimeLine=< Minutes >,<Days>,<Model>
***{ Minutes = Frequency to retrieve from DVR (5 - 30 min)
***{ Days = days to save on HD (1 - 9999)
***{ Mode = 0 - off
***{ 1 – on (default)
***{ This section allow user to change delete timing
***{ of saving DVR and alarm information in ASC970.
***{ Format: DeleteTime=< Hour > }
***{ Hour = Time to delete the saving information (00:00 – 23:59)
Alive Monitoring section
This section allow user to change some settings for the Alive Monitoring feature.
***{ This section allow user to change the number of alive monitoring}
***{ of devices(Camera and Recorder) at a time.}
***{ Format: CamAliveMonitoringNum=<Max Number > }
***{ Max Number = Number of alive monitoring at a time for Camera (1 - 256) }
***{ Format: RecAliveMonitoringNum=<Max Number > }