Press the [Enter] key on the keyboard.
The “Live” page will be displayed. Refer to page 11 for further information about the “Live” page.
When “On” is selected for “User auth.”, the authentication window will be displayed before displaying live
images for the user name and password entries. The default user name and password are as follows.
User name: admin
Password: 12345
To enhance the security, change the password for the user name “admin”. It is recommended to change
this password periodically.
When displaying multiple H.264 images on a PC, images may not be displayed depending on the
performance of the PC.
The maximum number of concurrent access users are 4 users that receive H.264 images or 10 users
that receive JPEG images (maximum of 2 users during recording). Depending on factors such as the
settings for “Max bit rate” and the status of the camera, the maximum number of concurrent access
users may be restricted even more. When the maximum number of users are concurrently accessing
the camera, the access limit message will be displayed for users who subsequently attempt to access
the camera.
The conditions for displaying H.264 live images are as follows:
A network connection must be established between the camera and the PC with Wearable Camera
Agent Software installed to it.
The camera must be registered to Wearable Camera Agent Software.
Operating Instructions
2 Change the camera settings from a PC