S c a n n e r I n d i c a t o r L i g h t
The indicator light patterns represent function status as follows:
Steadily on
The scanner is ready for use. (Orange = 600dpi, Green = 300dpi)
(green or orange)
Initializing system and memory card. Please wait until the initialization process is complete before
using the scanner.
Busy scanning and storing image files. Please wait until the process is complete before scanning
another original.
Sensor cleaning in progress. Please wait until the process is complete before performing any
2 Blinks
Paper jam. Press the Power button; the scanner will eject the original so you can remove it from the
feeding slot. Wait until the scanner returns to Ready state after the original has been ejected.
3 Blinks
Memory card error, could be caused by:
1) No memory card inserted
2) Memory card inserted improperly
3) Memory card is locked
4) Unsupported Memory card
4 Blinks
Calibration failed. Error indication only; the scanner will clear this status and return to ready state after
a time-out.
5 Blinks
Scan To PC failed. The PC may be busy or unavailable. Two failed attempts to connect will return to
ready state.
No light
The scanner is powered off.
S u i t a b l e a n d U n s u i t a b l e O r i g i n a l T y p e s
Scanner is designed to obtain the best scanning results with the following types of originals:
3.5”x5”, 4”x6”, and 5”x7” photos (max size 5x7” for scanning directly into memory card, when connected to PC, and/or
when using Scan To PC Manager software)
Do not use the following types of originals for scanning, otherwise the scanner may malfunction or cause the original to jam in
the slot.
Originals thicker than 0.5mm
Originals with either side shorter than 55mm
Originals with lots of black or dark colors
Originals with dark colors surrounding the edges
Transparencies (filmstrips, celluloid, etc.)
Printed images (pictures on newspapers, magazines, etc.)
Soft and thin materials (thin paper, cloth, etc.)
the following acceptable size:
Length: 7 inches (177.8mm)
A n t i - c u r l P l a s t i c S h e a t h
It is recommend to use the clear plastic sheath
when scanning photos to ensure the best scanning results. The sheath helps
eliminate the possibility of de-focusing due to the uneven surface of curled photos.
Width 5 inches (127mm)
Fuzzy areas that result from the uneven
surface of the curled photo
Curled photo