Figure 61: Common Menu Page (Single-Phase UPS)
From this page, the user may access the outlet group control page, the inverter control
page, or the manual battery test page on the single-phase UPS unit.
3-Phase Common Menu Page
This is the common menu page for the 10-20kVA 3-phase UPS units.
Figure 62: Common Menu Page (3-Phase UPS)
From this page, the user may access the inverter control page, the manual battery test
page, or the fault clear page on the 3-phase UPS unit. The 3-phase UPS units are all
hardwire output connections, so there is no output group control.
Outlet Group Control Page (5—10kVA Single-Phase UPS Only)
This is the control page for the controllable outlet groups on the UPS. The 5-10KVA
single-phase UPS units have 2 or 3 outlet groups. Outlet Group 1 is not controllable.
This outlet group will stay on until the battery is depleted (while the UPS is running on