port on the MBS unit when the MBS unit is present in the system.
The MBS is not supported in a Parallel mode system.
Parallel Ports (PARALLEL 1, PARALLEL 2)
All 10-20kVA 3-Phase UPS units have two (DB15) parallel port connections (one male
and one female). These connections are used to wire the communications for two to
four UPS units of the same rating in Parallel mode system.
Dry Contacts (IN 1-8, OUT 1-8)
All 10-20kVA 3-Phase UPS units have four input and four output dry contact ports. Each
dry contact port is across two dry contact connections (1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and
8). These dry contact ports allow remote control (IN) and monitoring (OUT). These
contacts are provisioned in the dry contact setup pages in
Output Sensor Port (OUTPUT)
All 10-20kVA 3-Phase UPS units have an output sensor port. This port is used to detect
the status of the external Maintenance Bypass Switch (P/N UMB20K) Output Breaker.
This port should be unconnected when no external Maintenance Bypass Switch is
present in the system and should be connected to the OUTPUT port on the MBS unit
when the MBS unit is present in the system.
RJ45 Port (RS485)
All 10-20kVA 3-Phase UPS units have an RS485 serial communications port. This
communication port is reserved for “Future Use”.
Back-Feed Contacts (BACKFEED 1-4)
All 10-20kVA 3-Phase UPS units have Back-feed ports. These are dry contacts that
indicate when the UPS is in the Battery state and the bypass relay is closed, which will
feed the UPS output power back into the source. When this is detected, the UPS will
shut down and the back-feed dry contacts will be triggered. Pin 1 to 2 are normally open
and will close when back-feed is triggered. Pin 3 to 4 are normally closed contacts that
will open when back-feed is triggered.
Battery Temperature Sensor Port (BAT-T)
All 5-20kVA UPS units have a Battery Temperature Sensor port to connect to the first
External Battery Pack (EBP) unit. This allows the UPS to monitor the EBP operating
temperature environment to alter the battery charging parameter to extend battery life. It