Bolt‐on Outboard
1. The bracket is pre-drilled to fit
outboard motor brackets.
2, Mount the motor to the bracket using 4 1/2 inch stainless steel bolts of the appropriate length, together
with washers on bolt sides as shown. Secure each bolt with a nylon locking nut, making sure you ghten
each nut evenly over torquing.
3. If your motor bracket does not match the standard BIA bolt hole pa ern,
you may drill addi onal holes
into the bracket to match the moun ng holes of your motor bracket.
Clamp‐On Outboards
1. Using a treated wood 2 x 4, cut a wood shim to approximately 11 inches long.
2. Place the shim on the inside of the moun ng plate and hold it in place while
placing the motor over the top edge of the bracket.