Home Screen Features
3.10 Double and Recipe
The Double and Recipe buttons are located on the Home page on the bottom
right of the screen if you are in Restaurant Mode, right above your sending options.
Their functions are described below.
The Double button is a hard-coded button in the system that will allow you
to double the price of any of your menu items. When you select the Double but-
ton and then an item in your menu, it will ring the item up with DOUBLE next to its
name and at twice its price. This is particularly useful in a bar setting.
If you would like to change how much this button adds to the items you ring
up, you will find this setting in the Admin tab under Company Settings in the Bar
The Recipe button is only compatible with businesses implementing Paradise
POS’s supplementary inventory application, Coconut. When you have a Recipe set
up in Coconut with a menu item, selecting the Recipe button and then an item
with a recipe attached will cause the system to print out the recipe to your receipt
printer. Talk to the Paradise Training Team to see if Coconut might be right for your