MIB Descriptions
September 1997
Device Security, attp-security, (attp-common 8)
The Device Security table (devSecurity.mib) is used to control the number of
SNMP managers that may access the unit, as well as the access level (read or
read/write). This object is fully supported.
Device Traps, attp-traps, (attp-common 9)
The Device Traps table (devTrapMgr.mib) is used to manage the SNMP
managers that the unit reports traps to. This object is fully supported.
Device Control, attp-control, (attp-common 10)
The devControl object (devControl.mib) is used to cause a reset of the device
and perform a lamp test. This object is fully supported.
Device Health and Status, devStatus (attp-devStatus)
The devStatus object (devHealthAndStatus.mib) is used to report the health and
status messages and self-test result messages from the device. This object is
fully supported.