September 1997
3 Amphenol plug-1 Amphenol plug, G-3
3 Amphenol plug-4 Amphenol plug, G-3
aborting tests, 5-33
limiting, 6-3
Limiting Async Terminal Direct , 6-3
access, to user interface, resetting/restoring, 5-13
Access Level, 4-69, 6-1
assigning, 6-8
Access Type, 6-10
Action on Network Yellow Alarm, 4-19
adding, Identity information, 4-3
Address, generic receive MIB table, B-14
Administer Logins, 6-1
AIS, definition, GL-1
Alarm, 1-6
& Trap Dial-Out, 5-3, 5-7
options, 4-60
worksheet, A-12
Alarm & Trap Dial-Out, 4-60
Alarm Indication Signal (AIS), 4-12, 4-16
alarms, 5-2
dialing out, 5-3
viewing messages, 5-2
Alternate Communication Port IP Address, 4-65
Alternate Communication Port Subnet Address, 4-65
Alternate Dial-Out Directory, 4-61
AMI, definition, GL-1
Amphenol plug-Amphenol plug, 25 pairs, G-3
Amphenol socket-Amphenol plug, 25 pairs, G-3
Analog Loopbacks, 5-27
ANSI Performance Report Messages, 4-9
APL, 3-4
definition, GL-1
Dual DSX, 1-4
E&M Voice, 1-4
FXO Voice, 1-4
FXS Voice, 1-4
hot swapping, 1-5, 5-33
insertion, 5-34
removal, 5-34
Synchronous Data, 1-4
voice, cable, E-12
applications, 3-1
channel bank replacement an additions, 3-7
direct inward dial, 3-8
off-premises extension, 3-8
T1 access unit with high speed data, 3-2
T1 access unit with high speed data & E&M, 3-3
T1 access unit with high speed data and APL, 3-4
T1 access unit with high speed data and drop &
insert, 3-6
T1 access unit with high speed data and FXS, 3-5
ASCII Alarm Messages, 4-60
community names and access levels, 6-8
cross connections, 4-34
DSX-1 timeslots, 4-36
IP addresses and subnet masks, 2-11
Network interface timeslots, 4-40
sync data ports, 4-41
voice ports, 4-41
async terminal, limiting access, 6-3
async terminal interface, direct management control,
Asynchronous Port Table, B-27
audience, ix
authentificationFailure trap, C-2
AWG, definition, GL-1