Table 1
(2 of 4)
New Features and Changes
Feature or
Error Control Mode
3830: p. 4-26
The Error Control Mode option of the V.42/MNP/Buffer
configuration options group determines the type of error
control used by the modem. This configuration option is
only available if Async/Sync Mode is configured for
Async. The new selections LAPM_or_Disc and
LAPM_or_Buffr are not in the 3830 manual.
LAPM or Disconnect (\N6) – Modem attempts to connect
in V.42 Link Access Procedure for Modems
(LAPM) error control mode. If this fails, the
modem disconnects. This setting should be used
for cellular connections (at both the mobile and
PSTN sides) when it is known that both sides
support V.42.
LAPM or Buffer (\N7) – Modem attempts to connect in
V.42 LAPM error control mode. If this fails, the
modem connects in Buffer mode and continues
The default settings have not changed. For Async Dial
and UNIX Dial, V42/MNPorBfr is the factory default; for
Sync Dial and Sync Leased, DirectMode is the factory
default; for Cellular, V.42/MNP or Disconnect is the
The AT command equivalent is \N:
\N0 Buffer
\N1 Direct
MNP or Disconnect.
MNP or Buffer.
V.42/MNP or Disconnect.
V.42/MNP or Buffer.
LAPM or Disconnect.
LAPM or Buffer.
The factory default is \N5.