About HotWire 5100 DSL Access System
April 1997
HotWire 5100 DSL Access System has the following features:
Supports Carrierless Amplitude and Phase Rate Adaptive Digital Subscriber
High-speed data rates that vary depending on the RADSL
Security features in the HotWire CO hardware that prevent remote users from
accessing another user’s PC files or LAN traffic
Prevents against degradation of telephone service while in use
About the HotWire 5171 PC NIC
The 5171 PC NIC is an ISA 16-bit, add-on card with a 6-pin telephone modular
jack connector used for the DSL network connection. Refer to Appendix B,
for pin assignments.
The 5171 PC NIC features a set of LEDs located at the top edge of the card on
the component side. These LEDs are not visible without removing the PC cover.
The LEDs:
Enable you to verify card operating status.
Provide useful information for troubleshooting. Refer to Appendix A,
for the descriptions of the LEDs and their operational status indications.
The 5171 PC NIC edge connector plugs into a 16-bit expansion slot in an
IBM-compatible 80486 (or higher) system board and conforms to ISA bus