Making Floss:
Keep hands away from spinning head!
Pick a cone; if it sticks in the stack of cones, twist it off the stack.
Hold an inch or two of the pointed end of the cone between two fingers and a thumb. With a
light flicking action, roll cone in the web of floss building up in the pan. Lift the cone up with the
ring of floss attached and rotate the cone to wrap the floss. DO NOT roll floss while the cone is
inside the pan. This will pack the floss too tightly.
If the floss fails to stick to the cone, pass the cone near the spinner head to pick up a “starter” of
melted sugar. Lift the cone out of the pan and wrap the floss with a “figure eight” movement of
the hand. This leaves giant pockets and makes the final product appear larger.
Make sure room humidity is not too high, or product will be “heavy.”