Copyright © Parallax Inc.
ELEV-8 Quadcopter Kit (#80000)
Version 1.
Page 15 of 26
Decide how long to trim the 12 AWG power harness leads. If you use the
layout shown below, and you will be strapping your batteries to the top of
the chassis, you can trim the power harness leads to about 4 inches. If
you are going to use a custom layout to accommodate extra electronics,
decide how long to make the power harness leads. Trim the 12 AWG
wires to the desired length, and then strip about 1/8 inch of insulation
from the end of each one.
Locate the packet of gold bullet connectors and plastic housings in the
ELEV-8 Electronics Kit. You will need two bullet connectors and one
plastic housing.
Solder a bullet connector onto the end of each 12 AWG lead. Insert the
exposed tip of the wire into the cup end of the bullet connector, and fill
the cup with solder.
Insert the bullet connectors into the flattened end of the blue housing.
The red lead goes into the “D” shaped side and the black lead goes into
the “O” shaped side. It will take some force for the bullet connectors to
click into place.
PRO TIP: We recommend using a flat-head screwdriver to hold the bullet
connector in the housing and then use a hammer and tap the connector
into place.
Reposition the power harness inside the ELEV-8 chassis bottom. Secure
the ESC’s in place with zip ties.
Connect the battery pack to the power harness. The LED tapes, if you are
using them, should come on.