In Case of Trouble
If you suspect a problem with this unit, first recheck all your connections. If only one channel is
inoperative, the trouble may be caused by another component or even a defective hookup cable.
However, if the same channel is at fault when you reverse the Left and Right channel pair cables to your
HCA-806A (turn it off before moving wires), it may indicate trouble within the power amplifier itself.
We suggest you contact your authorized Parasound Dealer or Installer, or call Parasound Technical
Service if you suspect a problem. We may be able to suggest other diagnostic tests you can easily
perform yourself and which will save you a lot of trouble.
If it is determined that the HCA-806A should be returned to Parasound for inspection and possible
servicing, you must first call or write to obtain a Return Authorization number. You will also be asked
to repack the unit in its original packing and both of its cardboard cartons for proper protection in transit.
Units that arrive without the correct Return Authorization number, without a suitable shipping carton or
evidence of improper internal packing will be refused. We cannot accept collect shipments. After
repair under warranty, the unit will be returned to you prepaid. If we found no problem with the unit, we
will return the unit with collect charges for return shipping charges.
Special Features
Massive 1.2 kVA Power Transformer
90,000 uF Computer-grade Capacitors in the Power Supply
Multiple Polystyrene Film Bypass Capacitors in the Power Supply
Cascode Class A Input Stages with Matched J-FET Pairs
Hand Picked Complementary Transistors in High Voltage Driver Stages
24 50 MHz, 15 Ampere Output Transistors, Beta-Matched Complementary Pairs
Can be powered with external DC source
Output Transistors Direct-Coupled to Speakers Without LRC Networks
Linear Tracking, Instantaneous Acting DC Servos
High-Bias Class A/AB Operation
Gold-Plated Metal Structure RCA Input Jacks
Multiple Temperature Sensors and Silver-Cadmium Relay Protection
FR-4 Glass Epoxy Circuit Boards, Double-Sided for Precision
Proprietary Quick-Settling Bias Circuits Obviates Warm-Up Period
Custom Designed Audiophile-Grade AC Power Cord
Configurable for Multi-Channel Home Theater, Multi-Zone Stereo, Biamp or Triamp Operation