Congratulations on your purchase of the SafeAir Mavic
Safety System!
This manual explains how the SafeAir Mavic system works and
how to properly operate the system on the ground and in the air.
Be sure to take the time to read this manual carefully in order to
increase your safety and the safety of those around you.
The SafeAir Mavic system is a smart-parachute system that
deploys autonomously after detecting a critical failure in your drone.
The parachute slows the descent rate of your drone and reduces the
kinetic energy upon impact.
– Using the SafeAir Mavic System does not eliminate all risk
of drone operation. Please fly responsibly and in accordance with
the rules and regulations defined by authorities in the area where
you are operating.
Visit the ParaZero website (www.parazero.com) on a regular basis
for the latest information and updates.