Maintenance work to be completed every 12 months
Carry out visual and function check on the complete dryer
► Check dryer for external damage or unusual noise generation.
► Duly eliminate any defects found.
If message
is displayed, a routine service must be completed:
► Contact the service department of the manufacturer.
Checking back pressure
If the overpressure does not drop to 0 bar after a vessel has been depressurised,
e.g. after the expansion phase, the vessel contains residual pressure, or “back
pressure”. Back pressure can be caused by a jammed silencer.
► After expansion, check the vessel pressure gauge to establish whether the
overpressure has dropped to 0 bar.
If not, inform a service technician and check and replace the silencer as
Check differential pressure on the filters (with differential pressure gauge option)
► Check the differential pressure on the pressure gauge of the filter.
The differential pressure should be 0.6-0.8 bar max. If the differential pressure
exceeds 0.6-0.8 bar, we recommend that you replace the filter element (see
page 40). The filter elements must be replaced in any case every year.
Maintenance work to be completed every 12 months
Renew filter elements on the filters
The filter elements must be replaced if the differential pressure is more than 0.6-
0.8 bar or at the latest, after 1 year of operation.
Renew muffler
The dryer is equipped with a muffler. If the muffler becomes blocked, a dam
pressure is generated which in extreme cases may cause the muffler to burst.
Back pressure can also cause an increase in noise on the sound absorber.
Hazard caused by blocked muffler!
Blocked mufflers can cause a dangerous overpressure to build up which
may cause the mufflers to burst. Flying fragments may cause personal
injury and damage to property. Therefore, the mufflers must be replaced
every 12 months and after each change of desiccant.
Warning against sudden air ejection!
During expansion the pressure is released suddenly through the muffler:
A loud expansion noise is caused which may damage your hearing.
Particles carried in the air flow act like bullets and can injure your eyes
or skin.
Always wear eye and ear protection, therefore, when you are in the
vicinity of the dryer!