Parker Hannifi n Corporation
Hydraulic Pump/Motor Division
Greeneville, Tennessee USA
Service Manual
HP2 Series Hydrostatic Tandem Pumps
Option Disassembly and Assembly
Before you disassemble the HP2 Tandem pump or any of its components, read this entire manual. It provides
important information on parts and procedures you will need to know to service the HP2 Tandem pump.
Thoroughly clean off all outside dirt, especially from around fi ttings and hose connections before disconnecting
and removing the HP2 Tandem pump. Remove rust or corrosion from the coupling shaft.
Remove shaft connections and hose fi ttings and immediately plug port holes and fl uid lines.
Remove the HP2 Tandem pump from the system, drain it of fl uid and take it to a clean work surface.
Clean and dry the HP2 Tandem pump before you start to disassemble the unit.
As you disassemble the HP2 Tandem pump, clean all parts, except seals, in clean, OSHA approved solvent, and
air blow them dry.
Since they are fl ammable, be extremely careful when using any solvent. Even a small explosion or
fi re could cause injury or death.
Wear eye protection and be sure to comply with OSHA and other maximum air pressure require-
Never steam or high pressure wash hydraulic components. Do not force or abuse closely fi tted parts.
Keep parts separate to avoid nicks and burrs.
Discard all seals and seal rings as they are removed from the HP2 Tandem pump. Replace all seal rings and any
damaged or worn parts with genuine Parker Hannifi n Corporation or OEM approved service parts.