IQAN-MD3 menu system
3 Product description
Instruction book, IQAN- MD3
Other button options now appear for the function buttons that allow you to view
information about modules, modem or logs. To return to the previous (main menu)
page you can press the ’escape’ button. The ’escape’ button always takes you back to
the previous page. If you have chosen to view information on any of the other pages
you are given the option to simply press the button under the ’Main’ icon, F1.
Information page.
To set preferences for the IQAN-MD3 press the button on the main menu page under
the ’Preferences’ icon, F3. This will bring up the preferences page. Other button
options now appear for the function buttons that allow you to set preferences for the
display, date/time or language. To return to the previous (main menu) page you can
press the ’escape’ button. If you have chosen to view information on any of the other
pages you are given the option to simply press the button under the ’Main’ icon, F1.
Preferences page.
If you would like to measure any channels using the IQAN-MD3 press the button on
the main menu page under the ’Measure’ icon, F2. This will bring up the measure page
that displays the measure groups that have been set up in IQANdesign. To select a
measure group you press the up or down buttons until it is highlighted and then press
’OK’. That takes you to a page where you may view the channels in the selected group.
Button F2 may now be used to toggle between raw values and scaled values for the
channels. To return to the measure page you can press the ’escape’ button. To return to
the main menu page, you are given the option to simply press the button under the
’Main’ icon, F1.
esc button
Adjust Preferences
to go back
esc button
Adjust Preferences
to go back