Addressing A Particular Node
An individual node can be addressed through packages supporting DDE.
For example, in Microsoft Excel, this is done by entering the command/request in the
format shown below:
=multi485|<DDENAME>!<DDE text string>
Therefore, if we want to read the sizing dewpoint of dryer #1 (machine number 1) then
we would enter the following: -
Dryer DDE Commands
The "NODE" sub-directory contains the <DHPNDRL1V3_5.nod>,
<DHPNDRL1V3_3.nod> and <
> system configuration files.
These files describe the DDE text strings which should be entered to obtain particular
information from a node.
For version 3.3 dryers a listing of the DDE names can be found in <DHPN
DRL1V3_3.nod> which can be printed out for reference.
For Pneudri Electronic version 3.5 dryers a listing of the DDE names can be found in
<DHPNDRL1V3_5.nod> which can be printed out for reference.
For MXA dryers a listing of the DDE names can be found in
> which can be printed out for reference.
The list below gives generic information on the text strings to be entered to obtain
certain information from a
PNEUDRI electronic
MPXE / DXE / DHE dryer and a brief
description of each item. If you require further information on any item or MXA specific
commands refer to the Operating Manual for the dryer or the NOD file for the dryer
type in question.
The units for pressure and temperature/dewpoint values do not reflect the
true resolution of the associated sensors, this should be considered when
displaying the data.
Advise Messages
A “1” will be returned if column A is currently ONLINE, a “0” will be returned if column
A is currently REGENERATING. This will automatically be updated when a node
status broadcast message is received.
A “1” will be returned if column B is currently ONLINE, a “0” will be returned if column
B is currently REGENERATING. This will automatically be updated when a node
status broadcast message is received.