Protection class ..
II ( double insulation )
Cutter dimensions
100 x
22 x 4 mm
Spindle size .........................................M10
Milling depth .................................≤20 mm
Angle settings ....................................0-90°
Sound pressure level (
..........................................86.7 dB; K=3 dB
Sound power level (
) ............................
– Measured ....................97.7 dB; K=3 dB
Vibration (
–Handle .................2.8 m/s²; K=1.5 m/s²
–Auxiliary handle ..2.3 m/s²; K=1.5 m/s²
Router blade ..................... PSB 6Z
Werkstoff ...........................HW6 (Carbide)
Saw blade speed n
......≤ 13000 min
diameter ....................................
100 mm
Borehole ...............................
22.23 mm
Thickness ............................................ 4 mm
Einsatzart ............... MAN (Handvorschub)
Levels of noise and vibration were determ-
ined according to the standards and regu-
lations in the declaration of conformity.
The vibration emission value has been
measured according to a standardised
testing method and may be used for com-
parison with another power tool. The in-
dicated vibration emission value may also
be used for an introductory assessment of
the exposure.
The vibration emission
value whilst actually using the power tool
may vary from the given values depend-
ing on the type and way in which the
power tool is used. Safety measures for
the protection of the operator are to be
determined that are based on an estim-
ate of the exposure under real operating
conditions (for this, all parts of the oper-
ating cycle are to be taken into account,
for example, times in which the power tool
is turned off, and those during which it is
turned on but running without a load).
Safety information
This section deals with the basic safety in-
structions for using the device.
Meaning of the safety
If you do not observe this
safety instruction, an accident will occur.
The result of which is severe bodily injury
or death.
If you do not observe
this safety instruction, an accident may
occur. The result of which is likely severe
bodily injury or death.
If you do not observe this
safety instruction, an accident will occur.
The result of which is likely minor or mod-
erate bodily injury.
If you do not observe this safety
instruction, an accident will occur. The res-
ult of which is possible damage to prop-
Pictograms and symbols
Symbols on the device
Read the instruction manual
Protection class II (double insula-
Scale (Angle adjustment)
Scale (Height adjustment)
Direction of rotation arrow
Waste electrical and electronic
equipment (WEEE) must not be dis-
posed of with domestic waste.