Step 10 – Landing Your Ember 2
When you begin to notice that your Ember 2 no longer climbs well under
full power (normally after approximately 10-15 minutes), the battery is
getting low and it is time to land. Bring in your aircraft toward the
desired landing spot. Gradually reduce throttle (as well as giving a small
amount of down elevator if you choose) to reach an altitude of
approximately 4 feet. At this point, reduce even more throttle and your
Ember 2 should glide in softly for a landing.
Your Ember 2 should be landed on a smooth surface (such as
concrete or wood) so that the landing gear can work effectively.
Expert Tip:
As you get better and more experienced at flying,
try adding a bit of “up” elevator just prior to landing to “flare” the
plane. With some practice, your landings should become smooth
and on target.
Do not attempt to catch the airplane or injury may occur.
Remember, there is a spinning propeller on the front of the plane that
can cause injury! Also, remember to cut power to the motor right
before you land to prevent damage to the propeller.