Motor Test
1. Make sure the throttle slider is in the
“off” position.
2. Attach charged battery to fuselage with included
rubber band.
3. Turn on transmitter.
4. Plug in the flight battery.
5. Your Slo-V has a built-in throttle-arming feature
which needs to “see” the throttle slider in the off
position before it will spin the propeller.
Make sure that you, as well as loose
clothing and hair, are away from propeller at all
times!) Advance the throttle forward and the
propeller will spin. The throttle-arming feature
will need to be activated each time the battery is
plugged into the airplane.
6. When finished with the motor test, continue to
the next step.
Step 7
Attaching and Adjusting the Wing
1. Open wing bag carefully. Locate the included
braces that will secure the wing’s correct dihe-
dral. One brace will be applied to the leading
edge and one to the trailing edge of the wing.
2. Unfold wing to see what the fixed dihedral will
look like. Trial fit both braces without removing
the paper from the tape on the braces.
The brace for the leading edge will wrap
around the top and bottom of the leading edge.
3. Once you are pleased with what the fit will be,
peel the paper off of the tape from the leading
edge dihedral brace and carefully attach it to
the wing. Next, do the same with the trailing
edge brace.
4. Locate the four strips (100mm x 40 mm) of
transparent tape that have been supplied to help
secure the braces to the wing. Secure these on
the outer edges of both braces on the leading
edge, starting at the top of the wing and wrap-
ping around the leading edge to the bottom of
wing. Do the same for the brace on the trailing
edge of the wing.
5. Use the supplied white tape (305mm x 30mm)
to re-enforce the center of the wing section.
Simply start at the leading edge of the middle of
the wing and attach all the way until you have
come to the trailing edge of the wing.
6. Place wing on top of fuse, resting it on the two
braces on the fuselage. One brace will hold the
leading edge, one will hold the trailing edge. You
can move the trailing edge brace in small incre-
ments as needed to allow the rear of the wing to
rest properly on the brace prior to securing it.
7. Secure the wing by using 4 rubber bands. Stretch
one rubber band from trailing edge brace post to
leading edge post of one side. Do the same for
the other side. Continue with the other two rub-
ber bands so that a total of two rubber bands
secure each side of the wing.
Your Slo-V comes equipped with an exclusive
adjustable wing position to allow you to optimize
your flying, whether indoors or outdoors. If you are
flying indoors, you may want to slide the wing a
little further to the front, allowing your Slo-V
to fly
just a bit more tail-heavy and slower. When flying
outdoors, you may want to slide the wing slightly
back toward the tail, allowing the plane to be a little
nose-heavy, faster, and more stable and predictable
in light wind.
Adult Supervision Required
Keep everything clear of the propeller and
hold the plane securely. A moving propeller can cause
severe injury.
Step 5
Step 6
Attaching the Tail
1. Remove 2 thumb screws from plastic parts bag.
2. Locate the tail of Slo-V.
3. Making certain the black V-shaped bracket is on
the top of the tail, and the control horns are on
the bottom of the tail, rest it on the fuse where it
will be set. This will allow you to visually see
where the holes of the fuse and the holes of the
tail and bracket will match in order to secure the
tail with the thumb screws.
4. Enter thumb screws from the bottom and tighten
until tail is secured.
5. Taking notice that the pushrods cross each other,
open up the clevis on one side of the pushrod
and attach to tail at the bottom hole of control
horn. Snap clevis shut and secure after this is
done. Repeat for other side.
6. You may have to trim the tail prior to flight.
Wing Bracket
Wing Brace
Top of Wing
Transparent Tape
White Tape
Wing Brace
Rubber Band Posts