We recommend only fl ying your Pole Cat in
light winds. Always avoid fl ying near houses,
trees, wires and buildings. You should also be
careful to avoid fl ying in areas where there are
many people, such as busy parks, schoolyards
or soccer fi elds. Consult local laws and ordi-
nances before choosing a location to fl y
your aircraft.
Place the Pole Cat in position for takeoff
(facing into the wind if fl ying outdoors).
Gradually increase the throttle to ¾ to full, and
steer with the rudder. Pull back gently with
the elevator and climb to check trim. Once
the trim is adjusted, begin exploring the fl ight
envelope of the Pole Cat.
Due to the large propeller on the Pole Cat, it is
possible to hit the prop on the ground while
landing. Make sure to fl are when landing and
try to land as smoothly as possible to minimize
hitting the prop. While this does not damage
the airplane, it is possible to wear down the
tips of the propeller if fl ying from an abrasive
surface such as concrete or asphalt.
Failure to lower the throttle
stick and trim to the lowest
possible position during a
crash could result in damage
to the ESC in the receiver
unit, which may require
Crash damage is not
covered under warranty.
Repair the Pole Cat using foam-compatible
CA (cyanoacrylate) glue or clear tape. Only
use foam-compatible CA glue, as other types
of glue can damage the foam. When parts are
not repairable, see the Replacement Parts List
for ordering by item number.
For a listing of all replacement and optional
parts, refer to the list at the back of this
Use of foam-compatible CA acceler-
ant on your model can damage paint. DO NOT
handle model until accelerant fully dries.
Flying Tips and Repairs
decrease throttle at
propeller strike.
Post Flight Checklist
1. Disconnect fl ight battery from ESC
(Required for Safety and battery life).
2. Power off transmitter.
3. Remove fl ight battery from aircraft.
4. Recharge fl ight battery
5. Store fl ight battery apart from
aircraft and monitor the battery
6. Make note of fl ight conditions and
fl ight plan results, planning for
future fl ights.