Panorama capture.
starts taking pictures and the bottom of the HUD displays a
progress bar which fills with green as the capture unfolds.
Panorama types capture characteristics:
takes 8 photos in about 35 seconds
takes 10 photos in about 40 seconds
takes 42 photos in about 180 seconds (3 minutes)
To download the Panorama pictures to your device, land
, access the homepage
of FreeFlight 6 and tap the microSD card box or the Gallery box to display the media
present on your microSD card. Like other media, Panoramas are marked with their
distinct icon and a green download box, which shows the size of the corresponding
series of pictures.
iOS microSD gallery: downloading media to device
Tap the green box of the Panorama you want to generate to start downloading the
corresponding series of pictures to your device. When the download is complete,
FreeFlight 6 displays a page from where you can delete the downloaded photos: tap
“Yes” to keep the originals on the microSD card; tap “No” to delete them
. FreeFlight 6
displays the Local (device) gallery, which contains only the media you have downloaded
’s microSD card.
iOS Local (device) gallery