Parrot CK3100 LCD -
a hands-free system with a screen,
providing instant access to all your contacts
Information and phonebook
available at all times
The Parrot CK3100 LCD displays your
mobile phone's information on its LCD
screen, such as caller ID, phonebook
contacts and call records. The three-
button screen interface can easily
be positioned on the dashboard and
adjusted to offer the best possible
viewing angle. Combined with the
screen, the voice menus ensure
unrivalled comfort for hands-free calls.
Integrated into the vehicle's
audio system
Like other solutions, the CK3100
LCD connects to your vehicle's audio
system between the car stereo** and
the speakers. Calls and voice menus
are reproduced over the speakers for
maximum listening quality. If you are
listening to the radio or a CD, the music
is automatically muted during calls and
then returned after the call.
** Also works without car stereo.
All the simplicity of a true
hands-free system
The CK3100 LCD is a hands-free system
that fits inside your vehicle. Once paired
to your mobile, iPhone or smartphone
wireless technology ,
the kit automatically connects and
synchronises* its phonebook with the
contacts on your phone. Browse the
phonebook, select the contact and start
the call: you can then chat while keeping
your hands on the wheel and your eyes
on the road. For even greater comfort,
accept or decline incoming calls with the
CK3100 LCD's voice command feature,
or use the built-in voice recognition
technology to call a contact.
* This function depends on the phone used.
Exceptional sound
This hands-free system leverages all
of Parrot's signal processing expertise.
The result is excellent sound quality
during calls for both you inside the
vehicle and your caller. Combined
with a positionable and adjustable
microphone, the CK3100 LCD boasts
the very best in noise reduction and
echo cancellation technology. The
system delivers optimal audio comfort
and parasite -free voice quality.