Peak Limiter
– from this sub-frame it is possible to set the Threshold, Attack Time and Release Time of the
Output Channels' Peak Limiter.
: the selectable range of the Peak Limiter's Threshold is from +14,2dB (Limiter not active) to
-33,8dB in steps of 0.2 dB.
Release Time
”: the selectable range of the Peak Limiter's Release Time is from 0.1s to 3s in steps of 0.1s.
Attack Time
”: the selectable range of the Peak Limiter's Attack Time is from 5ms to 200ms in steps of 1ms -
from 5ms to 20ms then 5ms - from 20ms to 30ms then 10ms - from 30ms to 100ms and 20ms - from 100ms to
: The Peak limiter Threshold is defined in Vp, due to the fact that with both, Sinusoid and Squared wave
testing signals, the DMX8008 Peak Limited output Vp (Peak-Peak) Level is the same and matching the selected
DMX 8008