From the Utilities Window, can be accessed also the all processes for Saving/Recalling presets to/from Pc and
to/From the DMX8008 and for configuring Special Processes activated by the External Switch Input Ports.
: allows to load on the Pc Remote Control a configuration previously saved on Pc
: allows to save on Pc the current editing session
: allows to store on the DMX8008, in one of the 6 available location, the current editing session
: allows to read from the DMX8008, one of the 6 stored presets and to display it on the current editing
Input Copy
: allows to copy the setting of one Input channel on an other one
Output Copy
: allows to copy the setting of one Output channel on an other one
: this particular button is allowing to enter e window where from up 4 lines (switches) can
be set as 0 (boxes unchecked) or 5V (boxes checked).
The switches controlled by this window actually set as 0V or 5V the physical 4 output “switch” lines available on
the DMX8008 back panel and useful for controlling remote devices.
From this editing window, up to 10 different presets can be created, where a specific Switches configuration is
In order to create the presets, need first to press one of the 10 “Switch Preset” buttons
Once the specific button is presses, to that button will be assigned the current status of the 4 S1/S2/S3/S4
To any button, a different S(x) configuration can be assigned.
The different configuration will be maintained until the Pc Sw is open.
On the Pc can be saved ONLY a Configuration a time, the Pc will not store the configurations of the 10 buttons.
Therefore, on Pc will be saved any time the current configuration of the Switches S1/S2/S3/S4.
The several configurations can be then recalled and they'll be assigned to the currently pressed “Switch
Preset” button.
DMX 8008