Reflector Assembly
1. Install the Radial Beams to the Hub Angles which are pre-installed to the hub, using hard-
ware labeled-
Radial Beam to Hub
. Use 3 bolts, 6 washers, and 3 nuts per. Tighten this
hardware as it is installed.
NOTE: Be sure to place the Radial Beam on the outside of the Hub angle as shown.
2. Now install all of the Outboard Skirts on the end of the Radial Beams (bent edge down) using
hardware labeled Outboard Skirt
. Leave this hardware loose.
NOTE: One end has a formed “overlap”. Place this end on the outside.
Radial Beam
to outside of
Hub Angle
1. Install
4M38004 (ANGLE, 3.8 HUB) to hub as pictured below
Make sure the cut corner is towards the BOTTOM of the hub assembly.
2. Once all 4M38004 (ANGLE, 3.8 HUB) are attached fasten hub to King post assembly as pictured on
page 7.
3. Once hub is attached to King post assembly begin to attach 238006 (RADIAL BEAM 3.8 PRIME)
to 4M38004 (ANGLE, 3.8 HUB).
Make sure that Radial Beams are to the Out side of the hub angle and pictured below.
4. With all Radial Beams in place and hardware in place install all of the 238005 (OUT BRD SKIRT, 3.8
PRIME) on the end of the Radial Beams (bent edge down) Make sure overlap is in proper place as
pictured below. Leave this hardware loose at this time.