installation & operation
Proper care, maintenance and lubrication ensures longevity. The com-
pressor should always be level for proper lubrication. Use only in a clean,
dry, and well-ventilated area. The compressor has heat dissipation fins
for proper cooling. Keep the fins and other parts that collect dust clean.
Do not place rags or other materials on top of the compressor, as this
obstructs cooling and can be a fire hazard.
Mount the compressor on a concrete pad or solid floor, making certain
that the air receiver feet are level and that no stress is placed on the legs
when the mounting nuts, if used, are tightened, shim feet if necessary.
Severe vibrations will result when feet are uneven and drawn tightly to
the floor, which can lead to welds cracking or fatigue failure of the air
almost all weld CraCKs or
fatigue failures are Caused
by improper installation
and are not CoVered
by warranty.
regulations reQuire that all
wiring be done by a liCensed
eleCtriCian, failure to do so
Could Void your warranty.
Single phase models with factory installed wiring between the
electric motor and the pressure switch, - do not require a mag-
netic starter.
Single phase models which are not pre wired between pressure
switch and motor require a magnetic starter or combo switch.
Three phase models require magnetic starters or combi-pressure
switches and are not
factory Pre-
wired in any way.