Operating manual of data acquisition system PWBlogg
The following applies to iModem4/iModem5:
the LED illuminates permanently, problems on reception are indicated.
After initializing the modem, shortly flashing LED and switching off again indicates that faulty GPRS parame
ters may inhibit successful initialization.
If, after modem activating, the LED illuminates 2s and turns off again, then a wrong PIN or a disabled SIM
card can stop initialization!
Assistance on knowing problems:
1. The modem does not activate itself:
examine flashing beh
aviour of the modem LED of the modem
check power supply (power supply unit/battery)
check PIN of the SIM card
check reception
check time slot
make sure that the data logger is connected (modem adopts time from logger)
2. SMS‘s are not sent:
check, whether the respective event is activated and a receiver is specified (activating SMS or alert SMS),
• the modem will be activated,
• a PC is connected, which inhibits communication to the modem,
when using N7 data loggers: check, whether the event “send SMS” is specified as alarm event,
whether power supply is ok,
whether the SIM card is unlocked (PIN OK or deactivated)
3. The modem can not be called:
check, whether a time slot is specified and the modem is activated,
the right call nummer is used (data call number)
• the SIM card is eligible for data calls,
a PC is connected to the modem which blocks calls,
• the modem of the receiver is eligible for calls and its settings have been properly made
4. The modem does not write into the web database:
check, whether the modem is specified as GPRS modem,
the dedicated firmware is used,
• GPRS parameters are correct,
FTP transfer is activated (time slot 15min or 1h)
5. The modem does not send data mail:
check, whether correct SMTP parameters are specified,
• GPRS parameters are correct,
the modem is specified as GPRS modem,
a mail address is entered as receiver (eg event time slot)
The iModem4/iModem5/iModem6 provide the status LED (green) and modem LED (red) on the
housing co-
ver to make them visible without opening the device.