Place the wooden hatch former into position on the model on top of the tape and once
again trial fit the canopy onto the framework to ensure that you still have a good fit.
Looking at the canopy try to get an idea as to where the fiberglass comes into contact
with the wooden framework beneath it.
When you are sure all is correct, mix a batch of thirty-minute epoxy sufficient to cover all
areas of contact between the hatch and the framework. Adding some milled fiber or
micro balloons will make the
mixture less likely to run and will
aid in giving greater contact
between the two pieces.
Apply the epoxy to the fiberglass
in the correct areas and then place
into position on top of the
framework. Use masking tape
where necessary to aid in properly
holding everything in position.
When the epoxy cures, remove the
tape and use an Exacto knife if
necessary to gently slide between
the canopy and the fuselage around
the circumference to allow the
canopy to slide back.
Remove the canopy hatch. Pull all
of the tape off of the opening and
touch up both surfaces if
Place the canopy back into
position and use a pen to draw the
shape of the canopy onto the frame
work to indicate where any
sanding may be necessary.