Document No.:
58 / 91
identifier). At this time, the power indicator of the scanning device is also yellow. When the
battery is exhausted and the instrument is about to shut down, a “!” will appear in the red
battery power identifier. ”
6.13 Scanning operation and bladder positioning
Correct bladder positioning is the basis of accurate measurement of bladder volume.
As shown in the figure on the right, the bladder lies in the hypogastrium of human body and
below the symphysis pubis. Before detection, the ultrasonic coupling agent shall be applied
to the place 3cm above the pubis of the patient, the instrument shall be placed at the
position shown in the figure, and the key of the scanning device of the instrument shall be
oriented towards the head of the patient.
Under the expert mode, in order to facilitate the user to quickly locate the bladder, there
is a green indicator line in the image center during pre-scanning and scanning. The user
only needs to move the probe to center the image and maximize the section area of the
bladder B-ultrasound image during pre-scanning. During scanning, just keep the probe still.
During pre-scanning and scanning under the easy mode, there is a green indicator line in
the center of the circle in the image display area. During pre-scanning, the user only needs
to move the center of the bladder section to the center line of the circle and maximize the
bladder section area. During scanning, just keep the probe still. Under the intelligence
mode, during pre-scanning, the user needs to move the real-time bladder scanning
projection to the center of the circle. When the projection is displayed in green, it means that
the bladder is in the scanning area; otherwise, it is in orange. During scanning, just keep the
probe still.
After scanning under the expert mode, the easy mode and the intelligence mode, there
will be a green projection (Figure 5-5-3, Figure 5-6-3 and Figure 5-7-3) on the main
interface. When the center of the green circle and the center of the cross circle do not
deviate much, and the projection is green, it indicates that the scanning result is effective. If
the projection is orange, the measurement result may have error.
The intelligence mode is to conduct real-time bladder projection positioning before