4.2. Color palette
In the menu, the artificial color of the infrared image can be
changed, which is displayed or recorded on the screen.
A series of color palettes are available for use.
Some color palettes are very useful for use in special environments,
so they can be adjusted if necessary.
The "grayscale color palette" provides balanced linear shades of
temperature gradients and thus can help to show complete details.
The "High contrast color palette" can emphasize the color displayed
stronger. This color palette is adjusted to the hot-cold contrast
situation. It is used to improve the color contrast between high
temperature and low temperature.
The "Iron" and "Rainbow color palettes" offer a mixed-contrast color
White heat Black heat Iron Rainbow
White Heat: Hot areas are displayed in white
Black Heat: Hot areas are displayed in black
Iron: Color gradations similar liquid metal from light to dark
Rainbow: Higher contrast between hot and cold