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Other features
This chapter contains:Setting the DLC-C003’s clock & other utility
functions; using MIDI commands with the DLC-C003; Service mode;
hardware WIPEALL mode.
System Configuration
Utility menu
The Utility menu is accessed by turning the key to System, then
pressing G [Utilities].
A [Set clock] - The DLC-C003 has a built-in real time clock. It uses
this to record snapshot times and disk backups, so it’s important
to have the correct time and date set on it.
To set the clock you need to be in System mode, and you need to
have a VDU screen connected.
Press A [Set Clock]. The DLC-C003 displays a window on the VDU
screen in which you can enter the time, date and daylight saving
modes (if the clocks get put forward an hour in summer). Press
Exit to abandon or Enter to save.
C [Configure a MIDI keyboard] - Lets you change which MIDI note
turns on each memory. Send the MIDI note for memory 1, then
the note for memory 2, and so on. A prompt is displayed on the
VDU screen which tells you what the DLC-C003 is expecting you
to do. Press Exit to end.
D [Cache personality file] - Lets you load the personality files into
the DLC-C003, so you don’t need to carry a personality disk
around with you. You need the special compressed personality file
called P2048PER.CMP which is available from the DORTRON’s web
site. If you have created your own personality cache (see page
143) you use this option to load it.
E [Load shape file] - Allows you to load a new shape definition file
SG.DAT. You may need to do this if DORTRON’s issue an updated
shape file.
F [Clear Wrap around channels] - If you load a show saved with an
earlier version of software, you might get a problem with
channels which wrap around from 255 to 0. Running this option
will sort them out.
G [Update personality] - Allows you to load an updated version of
the personality file for the fixtures you currently have patched.
This is useful if DORTRON’s release an updated version of the
personality, for example adding Range Tables. The softkeys
display a list of the fixtures you have patched.
Service mode
Service mode, selected by turning the key to “System” then pressing A
[Service], lets you make fundamental changes to the console, including
changing the operating software.