To adjust the controller behavior to your taste, it is possible to adjust the Hi-Hat Control Curve (Pic 20). It has
a fixed point on Max Closed, Max Open and Close/Open Border levels, but it is possible to adjust controller
behavior in-between these points.
Pic 20: Hi-Hat Control Curve
If the Mimic Pro contains the presets for all your pads and you’re finished calibrating the Hi-Hat, the next step
would be adjusting the dynamics.
Note: Some Hi-Hats, for instance, Pearl E-Pro EHH 2 may work better if you apply just
a little bit of pressure on the controller contact point to pre-load the spring. To do that,
loosen the clamp, put a small amount of pressure on the top hat, it will press down the
spring a little, then tighten the clutch back. Make sure that grey meter moved down just a
little bit. If it went down too much, then there is too much pressure.