In Triggering Settings main screen there is a button near the Pad Preset menu called
Settings. After you press it
you’ll see the menu that offers to
Split Ride Input and Capture Crosstalk.
Since most ride cymbals use two inputs the Mimic Pro has two inputs for 3-zone ride cymbal pads, but there are
also ride cymbals on the market that have 3 zones using only one input. If you turn on the Split mode for ride
input you can connect two ride cymbals, which use one input per cymbal.
Crosstalk capture allows you to eliminate crosstalk that’s happening inside the kit. For instance, if you use a
drum rack that hosts the entire drumkit, there will be a lot of crosstalk. When you hit one pad the vibration and
energy goes through the whole drum rack to all the other pads. So when you hit a tom pad you can get the crash
cymbal triggering as well. It will be almost inaudible, because it will be triggered with fairly low velocity, but it will
be triggered. All electronic drums have crosstalk inside the kit and you may have some false triggers that make
the playing experience far from perfect. For instance, you want to hit a tom and crash at the same time. You hit
them at the same time, but the tom hit was 1 ms earlier than the crash hit and the tom hit triggered the cymbal
(crosstalk), this means that your actual hit on cymbal may not be triggered. Remember, it just was triggered 1
ms before and even of it was triggered on a very low velocity it still was triggered. Considering that Mask Time
is 10 ms. The two hits with less than 10 ms between them may not be triggered correctly. That’s why crosstalk
elimination is important.
If you have to play in conditions when all your drums are on the same drum stand and you have a lot of crosstalk
you can still rely on
Mimic smart Crosstalk (XTalk) Suppression.
To use the
XTalk Suppression function, press the Capture Crosstalk button in the Settings menu within the
Triggering Settings screen. Once you’re in the XTalk Suppression screen, press the Enable XTalk Suppression
button. Now you need to go through the XTalk Learn
Procedure. Select a pad and follow the instructions
on the screen. For instance, you need to capture
Head and Bow (Rim) signal for the Snare drum.
Press the Start Capture Head button, hit the snare
head with 5 high velocity strokes, and then press
the Store button. Repeat the process for the Snare
Bow (Rim) and the remaining pads before pressing
Exit. Make it a habit to apply the XTalk Suppression
function to all your pads before a performance.
Pic 37: XTalk Stunt Capture
Pic 35: Capture Crosstalk
Pic 36: XTalk Support