Read this entire bulletin
before attempting to repair this pump. For installation
and operation refer to instruction bulletin 2880549.
Properly installed, your Peerless Pump will give you
satisfactory, dependable service. We urge that you care-
fully read these step-by-step instructions, to simplify any
problems of installation, operation or repair.
Failure to read and comply with installation and
operating instructions will void the responsibility of the
manufacturer and may also result in bodily injury as well
as property damage.
This bulletin is intended to be a permanent part of your
pump installation and should be preserved in a
convenient location for ready reference. If these
instructions should become soiled, obtain a new copy
from Peerless Pump Company include pump model
and/or serial number with your request.
Peerless Pump Company
These instructions are prepared for a pump with grease
or oil lubricated bearings and mechanical seals in the
stuffing boxes. Optional features are covered by
separate instructions sheets which are furnished when
the equipment supplied includes these features.
Many models have suffix letters in the model number.
These suffix letters have been intentionally omitted from
Table I. However, when ordering repair parts, provide
the complete model number including suffix letters and
the pump serial number; both are stamped on the pump
Rev. 11/93