Drum Loop Beat Repeater
The main purpose of Buffre is to apply beat repeater effects to Reason drum and
percussion sources such as a Kong Drum Designer, Dr.OctoRex or Redrum Drum
Computer. The signal from a drum source is routed through Buffre into a Reason Mix
Channel device. The example below describes how to configure this setup:
1. In an empty song session, create a Dr.OctoREX Loop Player, and load a Rex Loop or
Dr.OctoREX drum patch.
2. Make sure the Dr.OctoREX is selected (you will see a solid line surrounding the device).
3. From the Create Menu \ CreaJve FX submenu, Select “Buffre Beat Repeater”. This will add
the device to the rack and automaJcally cable it as an insert effect between the Dr.OctoREX
and the MIX Channel device.
4. Press Play on the Sequencer Transport and as the loop plays, start pressing keys on your MIDI
keyboard in the range of D-‐1 to F4 to engage the beat repeater effect.
For those new to the concept of Beat Repeaters or those having difficulty geWng ideal results,
try the following recommended seWngs:
1. Set MODE (Play Mode) to posiJon 3, “Play Mode: Current”. The loop will repeat from the
moment Buffre is triggered.
2. Disable the “TRIPLETS” buYon. This sets Buffre to only loop in even segments: 8 steps, 4
steps, 2 steps, 1 step, etc. This mode is ideal for works in 4/4 or 2/4 Jme signatures.
v1.0.2 operation manual