PV20a / PV30a pellet burner
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DK9902A1 www.pelltech.eu
Pellet burner PV20a/30a was originally designed as cheeper replacement burner for existing heating
systems with expensive oil burners. Both burners can also be mounted to new oil, biomass or universal
boilers. The burner is multistage type , meaning it can vary its output power according to the needs of
the heating system. Both burners have similar construction and working principles. They differ only by
size of burning chambers and maximal output capacity.
PV 20a/30a is a pellet burner that is intended to be used with 6 or 8mm diameter premium class ENPlus-
A1 wood pellets. You cannot use any other fuel to run those burners. The PV20a/30a burner is
connected to the boiler with a standart 90 mm flange (similar to oil burners).
Unique electric ignition and automatic power level control make the pellet burner using easier through
the whole year. No pilot flame is used in burning procedure.
For protection against back-burning the burner is equipped with a safety thermostat, a hose from
melting material, temperature sensor and back up battery.
Burner main components are depicted on Figure 1.
Burning chamber
The place where pellets are burnt. Tube is made of heat resistant
4mm steel 253MA.
Feeder auger
Transports pellets to the burning chamber. Delivered amount of
pellets depends on burner’s capacity. The feeder spiral is
connected to feeder motor with noticeable slack in order to
prolong motor’s and feeder’s lifetime. Do not overstrain the cap
screw of the spiral.
Overheat temperature
Turns off the mains and external auger, when feeder augers
temperature rises above pre-set limits.
Mains transformer
230/12V transformer for el. supply of controller and feeder
User interface buttons
Enables to move in menus and set or change burner parameters.
Figure 1 Burner main components