40E100 RO Pressure Vessels
User’s Guide
This vessel may cause loss of life, severe bodily harm, or property damage if not correctly installed, operated and
maintained. Read and understand all guidelines given in this bulletin before attempting to open, operate or service
this vessel. Failure to follow these guidelines and observe every precaution will result in malfunction and could
result in catastrophic failure. Misuse, incorrect assembly, or use of damaged or corroded components can result
in high-velocity release of the end closure. We recommend that only a qualified technician experienced in servicing
high-pressure hydraulic systems, open, close and service this vessel.
Important Safety Precautions
read, understand and follow every guide-
line in this bulleting. Failure to take every
precaution may void warranty and could
result in catastrophic failure.
install in an area where a vessel or piping
malfunction that result in water leakage
would not damage sensitive or expensive
equipment, such as electronic components.
verify that head locking components are
properly placed and secured.
inspect end closures regularly, replace
deteriorated components and correct
causes of corrosion.
follow membrane element manufacturer’s
recommendations for loading elements into
the vessel (see Replacing Elements).
Do not...
Do not...
Do not...
Do not...
Do not...
Do not...
Do not...
Do not...
operate vessel at pressures and tempera-
tures in excess of their specific rating.
service any component until you verify that
pressure is fully relieved from the vessel.
use corroded components. Use of such
components may result in catastrophic
pressurize vessel until after visually
inspecting to ensure that the spiral retaining
ring is correctly installed.
tolerate leaks or allow end closures to be
routinely wetted in any way.
use excessive silicone lubricant.
pressurize vessel without element in place
unless perme ate ports are plugged
overtighten fittings in ports.
Do not... Use petroleum products on Noryl components.
Do not...
Allow petroleum or silicone based products to
come in contact with membrane elements during
installation or maintenance.
Do not...
Do not...
Use the vessel at negative pressure
Stand or climb on the pressure vessels, or the
feed / concentrate or permeate ports.
General Information
The 40E100 Series of RO Pressure Vessel Housings are
designed to be used in water desalination systems at
operating pressures of up to 1000 psi. Each model is ava-
ilable in lengths to house from one to seven 40-inch long
elements. Any make of 4-inch nominal diameter spiral-
wound element may be used. The 40E100 is designed and
built in accordance with the engineering standards of the
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code of the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers (ASME Code). The vessels utilize
a fiberglass reinforced plastic shell for superior corrosion
The information and guidelines incorporated in this
User’s Guide are intended only as a supplement to
good industrial practice. Full responsibility for correct
operation and maintenance of vessel remains with the
This guide should be used in conjunction with drawing
number 518015.
When properly installed and maintained, 40E100
vessels can be expected to provide safe operation over
a long service life.
Product Bulletin 526005 Rev. B Updated 05/07/2013
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Distributed by Applied Membranes, Inc. | www.appliedmembranes.com | (760) 727-3711 | USA