After installation, unplug the
primary sump pump and fill the
sump with water. This is actually
imitating the condition that would
happen if the power went off
or the primary pump failed for
whatever reason. The back-up
sump pump should begin
operation as the water level rises
just above it’s top. If not, the
float sensor may need to be
review float
installation instructions. Even
after the back-up has pumped the
excess water out and shut off, the
alarm should continue sounding
until the ALARM switch is set to
the OFF position.
The alarm continues to sound
until the ALARM switch is set to
OFF to alert you that something is
wrong with the primary sump
If the back-up pump operates
properly, plug in the primary
sump pump and set the ALARM
switch ON and press the RESET
button. The back-up system is
now in full readiness.
If the back-up pump does not
operate as specified, refer to the
most asked questions list.
When the FLOAT SWITCH turns
the back-up pump ON, the alarm
buzzer will sound. When the
FLOAT switch turns the backup
OFF, the buzzer will continue to
sound until the ALARM switch is
pushed to the OFF position. Push
the ALARM switch to the ON
position. Press the RESET button
for normal operation.
If the voltage of the battery drops
lower than 11 volts DC, the LOW
battery indicator will come on and
the buzzer will sound if the
ALARM switch is in the ON
position. At this time, the battery
should be checked and serviced or
replaced. The only “real” test for a
battery is when it is tested with a
load meter. Take the battery back
where it was purchased for the
test. The CHARGING indicator
will come ON when the battery is
The CHARGING indicator will
turn OFF when the DC voltage is
over 13 volts,
then the
CHARGED indicator will come
ON. At this time the battery is at
FULL-CHARGED condition and
will stop charging.
FG-A1 Testing
and Operation
The CHARGED indicator will be
ON until the DC voltage drops.
The battery will start charging
again and the CHARGING
indicator will come ON. If either
CHARGING indicator and
CHARGED indicator are not ON,
check the charger adapter for
proper connection.
Near the end of the CHARGING
the CHARGING and
CHARGED indicators may
alternately blink. If the lights
blink continuously, check the
battery leads for proper polarity
(Step 4) and replace the fuse.
Press PUMP TEST switch for
pump function test: the pump
comes ON and ALARM indicator
comes ON and BUZZER sounds.
Release the PUMP TEST switch,
the pump turns OFF but the
BUZZER continues to sound and
ALARM indicator continues to be
ON. Press the RESET switch, the
BUZZER and ALARM indicator
light will turn OFF.
Figure 3 AC-115 V Outlet and
Hydromatic piggyback switch plug