PERI InSite Construction -
Data Acquisition System
Instructions for Installation and Use - Technical Cabinet with Main Unit and Nodes – Preliminary Draft –
There are some extra considerations that must be made before the shipment of the lithium ion
batteries according to the International Air Transportation Association (IATA). These includes
and may not be restricted to,
Lithium Metal Batteries
The lithium metal cells and batteries shipped by themselves (UN3090) are forbidden for
transport as cargo on passenger aircrafts. The packages must be prepared according to
packaging instructions (PI) 968, section 1A, 1B and section II. The shipment must be marked
"Cargo aircraft only" in addition to the other marks and labels.
Lithium Ion Batteries
The lithium ion cells and batteries shipped by themselves (UN3480) are forbidden for transport
as cargo on passenger aircrafts. The packages must be prepared according to packaging
instructions (PI) 965, section 1A, 1B and section II. The shipment must be marked "Cargo
aircraft only" in addition to the other marks and labels.
The lithium ion cells and batteries (UN3480 only) during the shipment, must not be higher than
30% of its full charge capacity. The lithium cells/batteries at a state of c
harge (SoC) greater
than 30% only be shipped with the approval of state of origin and the state of operator under
the written conditions established by the authorities. Further details are described in A331
special provision.
Restrictions on packaging
Section II (PI 965 and PI 968)
According to the IATA the lithium cells and batteries must not be packed with other dangerous
goods with same outer packaging. The packaging instruction (PI 965 and PI 968) of section II
illustrate further information.
Section 1A, 1B (PI 965 and PI 968)
UN 3090, lithium metal batteries prepared according to section 1A and 1B of PI968 and
UN3480, lithium ion batteries prepared according to section 1A or 1B of PI 965 must not be
packed in the same outer packaging with other dangerous goods classified in class1 (explosive
goods) other than division 1.4s, division 2.1(flammable gasses), class 3 (flammable liquids),
division 4.1 (flammable solids) or division 5.1 (oxidizers).
The packages containing cells or batteries must not be placed in an over pack with packages
containing dangerous goods classified in class 1 other than division 1.4S, division 2.1, class
3, division 4.1 or division 5.1.
Fig. IATA class 9 miscellaneous goods label