Basic Configuration
5.9.4. Static Route
The Static Route menu allows you to type in Linux routing commands that will be automatically
executed each time that the unit powers up or reboots. In the Text Interface, the Static Route
menu is accessed via the Network Configuration menu. In the Web Browser Interface, the Static
Route menu via the Network Configuration flyout menu.
5.9.5. Domain Name Server
The DNS menu is used to select IP addresses for Domain Name Servers. When web and
network addresses are entered, the Domain Name Server interprets domain names (e.g., www.
yourcompanyname123.com), and translates them into IP addresses. Note that if you don't define
at least one DNS, then IP addresses must be used, rather than domain names.
When accessed via the Text Interface, the Domain Name Server menu includes a Ping Test
feature, that allows you to ping the IP addresses for each user-defined domain name server in
order to check that a valid IP address has been entered.
In order for the Ping Test feature to function, your network and/or firewall
must be configured to allow ping commands.