Close the sliding glass door against the
Patio Panel. Clean and dry the back edge
of the sliding glass door. Position the glass
sweep at the top glass edge with the fl exible
part touching the glass of the stationary door.
Carefully peel away the backing and press the
glass sweep in place as you move down to
the bottom of the door. Trim any excess with
Open the sliding glass door. Clean and dry
the front edge of the sliding glass door. Position
the weather stripping at the top front edge
toward the interior side. Carefully peel away the
backing and press the weather stripping into
place as you move down to the bottom of the
door. Trim any excess with scissors.
Train Your Pet
It may help for you to be on one side of the
door and your pet on the other. Lift the fl ap a
few inches and try to talk your pet through the
door. After your pet has gone through a few
times, allow the fl ap to touch your pet’s back
so they will become comfortable using the pet
door. If your pet will not go through the door,
tape the fl ap open until they use it on their own.
Helpful Tip:
Try treats to encourage your
pet to go through the pet door and become
comfortable using it.