Troubleshooting (Continued)
The Pet Fountain
feels slimy.
• If you have multiple pets or dogs using the Pet Fountain, the
slimy feeling may be caused by your pet’s saliva. Change
the water and clean your Pet Fountain more frequently to
prevent this.
• Make sure the Pet Fountain parts are rinsed thoroughly
after cleaning the Pet Fountain. Soap residue may cause
the sliminess.
The Adaptor
is warm to
the touch.
• Unplug the Pet Fountain and Plug it into a surge protector.
The Pet Fountain
is leaking.
• Sometimes water around the Pet Fountain is caused by pets
drinking. Some pets are prone to spilling. Watch your pet
when they drink to see if this is the cause. If it is, you can
purchase a fountain mat or other water-resistant mats to
place under the Pet Fountain.
The Pet Fountain
seems dirty even
after cleaning.
• If there is a white chalky substance in the Pet Fountain, your
Pet Fountain may have a mineral deposit build-up from hard
water. To remove these deposits, clean the Pet Fountain
parts with 80% water, 20% vinegar solution. Rinse all parts
thoroughly afterwards. Use filtered or purified water instead
of hard tap water to prevent this.