LOTUS XS 230 V horizontal continuous mixer / Part 2 Overview, operation and service
General information
Quality Control sticker
Figure 2: Quality Control sticker
The following details can be found on the Quality Control sticker:
CE confirmed as per EU directives
Serial no / serial number
Controller / signature
Date of control
Intended use
Purpose of fitting block
The fitting block has been designed and constructed only for the
intended use described below.
Application range!
Primary use for water and neutral, non-adhesive liquids.
Also suitable for air and neutral non-flammable gases.
Maximum operating pressure (initial pressure) 16 bar.
After-pressure infinitely adjustable from 1.5 to 6 bar.
Smallest possible initial pressure 2.5 bar.
Minimum pressure gradient (initial/after-pressure) 1
Maximum media and ambient temperature 75 °C.
Assembly position as desired, preferable vertical.
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